Best Practices


Best Practices

Best Practice: 1



  • check iconTo promote Health and wellness programs.
  • check iconTo provide skills and tools to support healthy lifestyles
  • check iconTo enable the students to develop a scientific point of view of health
  • check iconTo provide information about health and its value as community asset.
  • check iconTo educate on the techniques of maintaining good health.
  • check iconTo promote physical, psychological and social wellbeing.


Svasthyam is one of the best practice of the Institution adopted from the United Nations Sustainable development goals. In the modern era, there has been a great threat to the physical and mental health of the people. This is largely due to the life styles of the people. It is well said that prevention is always better than cure. This theme has necessitated for the maintenance of keeping oneself fit. People who are physically fit are also healthier and are able to carry out their daily activities in an effective manner. The inventions of electronic devices and mobiles have taken away the physical and mental health of everyone, be it children or the elderly. The college takes utmost care to create awareness among the faculty, the students and the community about their health and wellness.


The college has implemented various health and wellness practices, Date Event
1 CPR and Basic life support awareness Program 16.10.2023
2 World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Celebration and Awareness Jatha 2023 31.10.2023
3 Ayurvedic day 03.11.2023
4 World Aids Day 02.12.2023
5 World cancer day 04.02.2024
6 Blood donation camp 15.02.2024
7 Basic health screening drive 6.042024
8 A session on first aid and basic life support 15.05.2024
9 Visit to Palliative care 25.05.2024
10 World no Tobacco day 31.05.2024

Evidence of Success

    Students and Society were educated on healthy lifestyle benefits and inculcated good healthy habits.

Problems encountered and Resources required

The cooperation of the public was inadequate due to the busy lifestyle and students were occupied with academic activities and they didn't get enough time to concentrate on more activities.

Health screening in College for Students and Parents

Ayurveda Day

Health Check-up in Village Camp

Best Practice: 2



  • check iconTo develop Students reading and analytical skills.
  • check iconTo induce reading habits among students.


The Institution is encourages students to develop their reading, analytical skills by engaging with literature critically, participants will enhance their ability to summarize, analyze, and evaluate books while expressing their thoughts coherently. The Practice aims to foster a deeper appreciation for reading, broaden students' perspectives, and promote creativity in writing. Through this practice, students will gain the opportunity to showcase their unique viewpoints, improve their communication skills, and receive recognition for their efforts. Ultimately, the competition seeks to inspire a lifelong passion for reading and critical thinking.


The College is frequently conducting Book talk and review activities for the students. The Organising committee gives a theme on which students are supposed to borrow a book from the college library. Then Students have to analyse those books and they have to exhibit their critical thinking.

Evidence of Success

    Students used library resources for the competition, students were Enlighted with the importance of reading habits, Now the college is taken an initiative to conduct this program every month by different students and their book review video will be uploaded in the college YouTube channel.

Problems encountered and Resources required

Students using the physical library resources is less Due to the access towards the E resources platforms, which might create the distractions among students.

Glimpses of Book talk Competition