
Declaration Under The Right To Information Act (RTI)

Statutory Declaration On Rti Act Section 4(1) (b) Of RTI Act 2005

Section 4(1) (b) of RTI Act 2005 covers the statutory declaration of the Seshadripuram Degree College website. It covers all the rules and regulations which are implemented by Govt. of Karnataka under the Karnataka State University Act 2017. Ours is a college, affiliated to the University of Mysore, Mysuru, Karnataka. The college has a Governing Body approved by the authority of Seshadripuram Educational Trust, Bengaluru. The college comes under the Un-aided category and offers B.Com., BBA and BCA programs and as per the rules and regulations made by the Government of Karnataka. All kinds of financial transactions are audited by the authorized Auditor. The college has constituted different committees headed by the Principal to maintain all types of disciplines inside the Campus. The applications under the RTI Act are towards the Principal of the college. The information collected from the college may be sent to the Public Information Officer (PIO) or handed over in his / her office. All the information about the college under section 4(1) (b) of RTI Act 2005, are open for the public and it can be obtained by a citizen of India.

Particulars Of The Institution, Function And Duties Of The Institution

Name of the Trust Seshadripuram Educational Trust
Name of the InstitutionSeshadripuram Degree College
Address # 25 & 26, Hebbal Outer Ring Road, Near Bharath Cancer Hospital, Hebbal, Mysuru – 570017
Functions / Services Affiliated with The University of Mysore, Mysuru
Profile of InstitutionUnaided College
ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institution
Head of the InstitutionDr. Sowmya Erappa K.

Working Hours:

  • check icon Office Timings - 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
  • check icon Class Timings - 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Holidays: The College shall remain closed on Sunday and Public Holidays as declared by the Government of Karnataka and such other days as the Head of the Institution may declare from time to time.

Library will be open on all Working Days between 8:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.

Programmes Offered

Sl. No.Under Graduate Programmes - Unaided
01Bachelor of Commerce
02Bachelor of Business Administration
03Bachelor of Computer Applications

Contact Details Of Public Information Officers

OfficerDesignationMobileEmail ID
Dr. Sowmya Erappa K.Principal 9880881982sowmyaerappa@sdcmysore.ac.in
Dr. Raghavendra R.Public Information Officer9620557621raaghusports@sdcmysore.ac.in
Mrs. Subhashini HarishJr. Superintendent (Asst. Public Officer)9611946974subhashini@sdcmysore.ac.in
Mr. Kumar RJr. Superintendent (Asst. Public Officer)9964236301kumar@sdcmysore.ac.in