Anti Ragging Cell


Anti Ragging Cell

Ragging is a menace plaguing higher education institutions. Civil society and academic authorities stood aghast at this pernicious scourge for some time. The University grants Commission has taken stock of the situation and made stringent regulations to deracinate this evil practice, and to punish its perpetrators, should instances of ragging occur. A major stipulation of the UGC is the establishment an Anti-Ragging Cell in every higher education institution.


To root out ragging from the colleges and prevent the occurrence of ragging is strictly observe the provisions of the UGC Act consider ragging as a cognizable offence and to take strict action against those indulging in ragging. The following important Regulations and Punishing provisions are

check icon To sensitize students in respect of the prohibition and consequences of ragging.

check icon To take undertakings from students and their parents/guardians that they will not abet ragging.

check icon To give adequate publicity to the law prohibiting ragging

check icon To arrange regular and periodic psychological counseling and orientation for students, involving parents and teachers.

Committee Formation Mechanism

Anti-ragging Committee shall be constituted with a diverse mix of membership terms of level as well as gender comprising of Principal as Chairman, representatives of female and male faculty members, senior students, non-teaching staff.

Anti-Ragging Committee shall ensure compliance with the provisions of Regulations as well as any law for the time being in force concerning ragging.

Anti-Ragging squad shall be nominated by principal provided that the squad shall have representation of various members of the campus community and shall have no outside representation for maintaining oversight and patrolling functions.

Anti-Ragging Squad shall remain mobile, alert, active at all times and make surprise visits in the campus and other places susceptible to incidents and having the potential for ragging in the campus and nearly proximities during college working hours as preventive measure to ensure such incident do not occur.

Orientation program shall be conducted during the inauguration of the UG course wherein information pertaining to Anti-Ragging Committee members, their telephone numbers and Help line numbers shall be provided.

The committee encourages the mode of thrives to redress the ragging cases Online as well as Offline complaint mechanism system.

Composition of the Anti-Ragging Cell Name Designation Position
1 Dr. Sowmya Erappa K Principal Chairperson
2 Kumar R Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce and Management Convener
3 Dr. Raghavendra R Physical Education Director Member
4 Murali T M Computer Programmer Member
5 Charan B III Year B.Com Student Representative Member
6 Rakshitha J III Year B.Com Student Representative Member